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Membership criteria is simple - a firm, corporation, or individual should be engaged in the promotional products industry.

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To be eligible for membership in this Association, a firm, corporation or individual must be actively engaged in the promotional products industry as a Supplier, Supplier Representative, Distributor, or Business Services.

As used in the NWPMA Bylaws, the terms supplier, distributor and supplier representative are defined as follows:


A. Supplier - a supplier is a company that manufactures, converts, warehouses or decorates promotional products for sale to promotional products distributors or to a firm maintaining a division or affiliate devoted to reselling promotional products.

To qualify for membership in the Association as a supplier, an applicant must:

(1) Have been engaged in the promotional products industry for at least one year as a Supplier (the personal experience of the applying official as an official of another firm in this industry is acceptable);

(2) Have a minimum annual sales volume of promotional products and/or business gift products of $50,000.00;

(3) List at least ten promotional products distributors to whom the applicant has sold promotional products and/or business gift products other than sample orders in the past six months, or, either be a member in good standing of PPAI or a current ASI subscriber with a permanent ASI number.

(4) Must agree to non-poaching agreement. Supplier agrees not to offer or sell directly to a distributor's clients (end-buyers).

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B. Supplier Representative – a supplier representative is an independent company contracted by one or more suppliers to market their products and services to distributors.

To qualify for membership in the Association as a Supplier Representative, an applicant must:

Have been engaged in the promotional products industry as a Supplier Representative for at least one year (the personal experience of the applying official as an official of another firm in this industry is acceptable).

Join us as a Supplier Representative


C. Distributor – A promotional products Distributor is a company whose primary business includes developing ideas for the use of promotional products, buying such products from suppliers and reselling them to end buyers. To qualify for membership in the Association as a distributor, an applicant must:

(1) Have been engaged in the promotional products industry for at least one year as a distributor; (the personal experience of the applying official as an official of another firm in this industry is acceptable);

(2) Have a minimum annual sales volume of promotional products and/or business gift products as a Distributor of $50,000.00;

(3) Sell to at least ten companies, none of which is connected to the applicant through stock ownership, common directors or officers, common ownership or any other means;

(4) List at least ten promotional product suppliers from whom the applicant has purchased promotional products and/or business gift products other than sample products in the past six months, or, either be a member in good standing of PPAI or a current ASI subscriber with a

permanent ASI number.

(5) A Distributor member is a member whose principal place of business is within the Pacific Northwest and/or who does have a resident employee residing in the Pacific Northwest.

Join us as a Distributor


D. Business Services – a business services member is a company that sells services, information, or products (other than promotional products) that support the normal conduct of business. To qualify for membership in the association, an applicant must:

(1) Have one year of experience in the promotional products industry 

(2) Provide references from 10 NWPMA or PPAI members, or, either be a member in good standing of PPAI or a current ASI subscriber with a permanent ASI number.

(3) Provide either: A purchase order from each of the 10 references for products or services sold by your firm within the past year, or Reference letters from each of the 10 companies on their letterhead, verifying that your firm provides products or services to companies in the promotional products industry.

Join us as Business Services

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